Sangat2 best!

Utk semester akhir, ada dua subjek Pendidikan yang kena belajar. Subjek Cabaran Guru dan Subjek Professionalisme Guru (ni bukan nama subjek penuh)... Dua2 subjek ni gila2 sempoi dan serius, semangat aku utk menjadi guru dan menghormati professionalisme perguruan ini menjadi semakin tebal. Tahniah buat Dr Kamal dan Puan Rakiyah kerana berjaya menyampaikan isi kandungan pelajaran dengan cemerlang sehingga aku insaf utk menjadi guru yang professional dan beretika serta tahan utk meyahut cabaran sebagai seorang guru!

Mari kita berkebun!

Hehe. Sekarang aku kat sekolah; SK Pechah Rotan utk program internship selama sebulan. Jadi, aku kena fikir apa projek yang hendak dibuat, dan meneruskan pengumpulan data kajian. Soal kajian, tidak ada masalah, sebab separuh dari kajian aku dah uruskan, tinggal analisis data je. Mengenai projek? Hm, kami disurug laksanakan sebarang projek di sekolah, bukan satu projek tau, tapi 3 projek. 

Jadi, setelah berbincang dengan Guru Besar, kami bersepakat untuk memurnikan Tanaman Herba Sekolah dan juga mencantikkan landskap sekolah. Hehe. Merupakan satu pengalaman yang bermakna sebab aku jarang berkebun secara langsung.

Aku nak terangkan dan muat naik beberapa gambar tanaman yang kami tanam dan hasil landskap kami, tapi pada post seterusnya ye?

Last Observation!

I should post this entry a month ago, but I think I did not have much time as I do right now. Whatever it is, it is my pleasure to share with all of you about my last English observation. Well, as I remembered I've told you about my last preparation to get ready for this precious moment with last interaction with Miss Zakiah. Yeah, I told you that I created a slide show by using Power Point Software in order to introduce to my pupils about the parts of body and at the same time I planned to have a "Making A Robot" activity within 20 minutes.

Well, what done is done, what past is past; so, I just write down my lecturer's comments about my teaching and learning process. FYI, I chose "My Body" for my learning objective for Year Two pupils. Her comments were:

  1. My induction set was good and creative as the pupils looked very excited to sing the song. Well, the song was adapted from one of the cartoon video on YouTube and the song's title is "Head, Shoulder, Knee and Toes"..
  2. My slide show was also attractive and creative but I should be more focus in drilling pupils' pronunciation and spelling of body parts' word. It meant, I should drill my pupils on speaking test, not just showing the picture of parts of the body.
  3. I should not focus too much in making robot activity because this is a linguistic class not art class.
  4. I should ensure my pupils get ready well before starting my lesson because the pupils' were so excited with robot activity and did not pay much attention during slide show. Therefore, I should put away any distractions in classroom before proceeding with my lesson.
Well, I agreed with her and I marked her comments on my mind as my guidance in future.. BTW, these are my pupil's work from "Making a Robot" activity.

-This is a robot from the high-achievement group. You can see the differences between this group and the low-achievement group. It was a simple robot and they did not have to work so hard to make a robot-

-It was my great pleasure to have this robot from the low-achievement group because first; they did not bring enough boxes, second; they used the boxes provided wisely and creatively. They managed to think the other way that the other groups cannot do which was they cut the boxes into two parts to have a pair of hands and legs. I was very proud of them. Plus, they managed to show a great cooperative work compared to other groups-

 -I heard from one of my pupils that these group was eager to find the boxes as more as they can, and here is the result. One hand is missing and they did not have much time to finish their robot making-

Standard Guru Malaysia

Hari ini waktu pagiku terisi dengan taklimat mengenai Standard Guru Malaysia yg diwarwarkan sebelum ini. Bagus juga ada SGM ini sbb bila ada satu garis panduan, barulah satu2 perkara tu berkualiti. Pendek kata SGM ni menggariskan kompetensi profesional yg patut dicapai oleh guru2, dan keperluan yg patut disediakan oleh agensi dan institusi latihan perguruan.. supaya dapat mbantu guru mencapai tahap kompetensi yg ditetapkan.. Skema pula ayat aku ni. Hehe... 

Jadi, dalam pertemuan lebih kurang sejam padi tadi, berakhir dengan arahan kami disuruh utk mengisi borang instrument SGM ni utk melihat diri kami ni dah mencapai tahap kompentesi yg digariskan atau belum. Jadi, aku pun buka laman web dan terus daftar dan selepas tu menjawab la instument SGM ni. (ada 70 soalan, tau.. jawab dengan jujur)

Hasilnya amat2 la mengejutkan. Serius, selepas ni, kalau mana2 pensyarah ketuk pale aku komen macam2, aku akan terima tanpa bantahan yg melampau macam dulu. Sebab ada 3 standard yg digariskan dalam SGM ni iaitu standard 1: Amalan Nilai Profesional Perguruan, standard 2: Pengetahuan dan Kefahaman, standard 3: kemahiran Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, dan setiap standard2 ni tersenarai kelemahan2 aku dalam standard2 tertentu..

Sebagai contoh; standard 1 ttg Amalan Nilai Professional Perguruan.. Kelemahan aku yg dibaiki ialah domain diri, domain professional dan domain sosial.

Utk standard 2: ada 7 aspek yg perlu dibaiki utk mncapai standard guru  malaysia dan 4 aspek yg perlu diperbaiki utk standard 3.

Sangat2 banyak kelemahan dalam diri ini. Tapi tak pe, dengan pengalaman2 yg lepas dan akan dibantu dengan pengalaman akan datang, Insya Allah, aku akan dapat perbaiki diri aku dan kualiti diri aku utk mancapai tahap kompetensi yg digariskan oleh SGM ni.

Kalau ada guru2 atau guru pelatih nk cuba menjawab isntrument SGM ni, sila klik di sini. Ingat, anda perlu mendaftar dulu ye.
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